Shadows Amsterdam

219.00 kr

Ålder: 10+
Antal spelare: 2-8
Speltid: 20 min

1 i lager

Artikelnr: LIBSHAM01EN Kategori: Etiketter: ,

Amsterdam, nowadays. An offense was committed.

Over the last days, the police investigation languished. Your detective agency is required to speed it up, but your main rivals are also sent on the case.In Shadows: Amsterdam, each detective team drives round the city to find three pieces of evidence then bring them back to its client, before the other team. In each team, an intelligence officer sends visual tips to discreetly direct its detectives as fast as possible. Shadows: Amsterdam is a fast deduction game for all kind of players. From short rules and simple gameplay, feel the stress of the real-time competition. Important! To complete the investigation, stay out the police way…

Spelet är på engelska.

Shadows Amsterdam på BoardGameGeek

Översikt över spelet (Libelluds Youtube)


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