Camel Up: The Card Game

179.00 kr

Ålder: 8+
Antal spelare: 2-6
Speltid: 30-45 min

4 i lager

Artikelnr: PBGESGCUCE Kategorier: , Etiketter: ,

Camel Up The Card Game brings a new way to enjoy the camel race with a racing deck! While keeping the same excitement as the board game, the card game experience gives the players a little bit more insight and control on the race. Don’t forget about the crazy camel!

One of them has been added and adapted exclusively in this new edition to make the unpredictable even more unpredictable!

—description from the back of the box

Camel Up: The Card Game på BoardGameGeek!

Se hur Camel Up: The Card Game spelas på Meeple Universitys YouTube:


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