Wandering Towers (ENG)

479.00 kr

Ålder: 8+
Antal spelare: 1-6
Speltid: 30 min

4 i lager

Artikelnr: CAPABTOW0 Kategorier: , Etiketter: , , ,

Each year, the graduating classes of the Ravenrealm Magic School compete to demonstrate their mastery of magic. For the final exam, all the wizards of each class must assemble at the legendary Ravenskeep… but every last one of them has procrastinated, distracted by learning new spells. They’ve also used all their potions—they can’t show up unprepared, with empty potion bottles!

Help your wizards get to Ravenskeep as quickly as possible. Using their magic they could even move the very towers atop which they stand to get there more easily! But how can they refill their potion bottles along the way? Well, here’s a little secret: Trapping wizards allows you to capture some of their magical essence in a bottle…

Wandering Towers på BoardGameGeek!

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