Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game – Season One (ENG)

269.00 kr

Ålder: 12+
Antal spelare: 1-5
Speltid: 90-120 min

2 i lager

Artikelnr: POR8288 Kategori: Etiketter: , , , ,

Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game – Season One, a.k.a. Detective: Season One, is a fully co-operative, deeply immersive board game in which 1-5 players take on the roles of investigators trying to solve a crime.

Detective: Season One is a new product in the award-winning Detective line, one with a shorter playing time that’s tailored for a mystery game night with simpler family-friendly rules. The game consists of three standalone cases, and each of them can be played in around 90 minutes. Each of the cases challenges players with different settings and styles.

Detective: A Modern Crime Boardgame – Season One på BoardGameGeek!


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